The Art of Kevin Palme

Dear Collectors,

We are please and excited to share with you the latest body of work from Asheville-based painter KEVIN PALME in this collection of ice and origami crane paintings.

“At the outset of the pandemic, I was spending a lot of time at home with my kids working with them on schoolwork. One afternoon, I found a small paper crane on my oldest daughter’s bookshelf and was struck by the simplicity and elegance of it. I had never made origami but I appreciated the idea of a delicate piece of paper being folded into an image of a bird. I knew right away that I wanted to paint it. 
The process of painting the origami is revealing. Though at a distance a piece of origami might appear bold, with its beautiful geometry and strong lines, in reality each fold and wrinkle, the micro-tears in the paper, and the inherent imperfection of manual folds tell stories about our vulnerability and ultimate impermanence. Knowing this about ourselves weights us to the ground. Painting these birds, suspended in the sky in a moment of flight, transforms them and allows for an experience of freedom. Even if only on the canvas, each bird transcends its limitations and becomes a metaphor for what might be possible for us.”

We hope you enjoy the works below and please contact us if you have an interest in purchasing a piece or seven. Our gallery is now open for socially distanced private scheduled tours and also Thursdays - Saturdays.

In gratitude,
Yu-Kai Lin // // 404 408 4248


404 408 4248 | INFO@KAILINART.COM