The Art of Joe Camoosa

Joe Camoosa returns to Kai Lin Art with several large scale oil paintings that continue to explore themes of modernity, abstract formalism and the relationship between the painter and the painting. Informed by cartography, music, aerial and urban landscapes and architectural fragments, Camoosa’s work is exceptionally unique and immediately identifiable. His paintings ask the viewer to stand back and become enveloped by the work but also to examine closely and see how all of the pieces fit together. 

Currently on exhibit for EMBOLDEN :: AUGUST 2 - SEPTEMBER 20
on display from August 2nd through September 20th. Our fifth exhibit for 2019, Embolden features the work of Atlanta artists Lela Brunet, Phillip Harris, Joe Camoosa, Lucha Rodriguez, Jeremy Brown and Stan Clark. The artworks of Embolden feature strong, saturated colors, sweeping movements of abstract forms and inventive combinations of materials and processes. 

404 408 4248 | INFO@KAILINART.COM

404 408 4248 | INFO@KAILINART.COM