404 408 4248 | INFO@KAILINART.COM

As an artist, I draw inspiration from the unencumbered nature of childhood and the simplicity of love as seen through a child's eyes. My work is heavily rooted in abstraction and infused with the vibrancy of color, but it is also deeply personal, candidly reflecting my own emotions and experiences.

Each piece I create is like a living sketchbook, capturing the essence of a moment in time and evoking a range of emotions in the viewer. I strive to convey a sense of unfiltered passion in my work, tapping into the same energy and authenticity that we often see in children.

For me, art is an opportunity to connect with the world around me and to explore the depths of my own emotions. Through my work, I seek to share these experiences with others, inviting viewers to join me on a journey of self-discovery and genuine caring.

Above all, my art is a reflection of my own childlike wonder and joy, a celebration of the beauty and simplicity of life. I invite you to join me in this celebration, to experience the unbridled energy of the human spirit, and to connect with your own capacity for genuine love and passion."

Treyvian Dowell (born in Americus, GA) is an Atlanta based multi-disciplinary artist. He studied at Georgia State University and obtained a BFA in Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking. He is currently a MiNT Leap Year Artist and has displayed a new body of work at his first solo show titled makeitallmakesense.

404 408 4248 | INFO@KAILINART.COM